Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Final Countdown...

Well, the full moon came and went, and I am still pregnant. I'm excited though, because the end is in sight. If the baby doesn't come out on her own before February 1, they are going to induce me. The doctor is afraid that the baby will be too big to pass through the birth canal if I go past my due date. Six days or less to be pregnant! Woo hoo! I've got to say, though, that this pregnancy has been pretty easy. I did not become terribly uncomfortable until these last couple of weeks. I cannot wait to meet my daughter!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Weird Thought

I read that my baby already has all the eggs in her ovaries that she'll ever have. So, not only am I carrying my daughter, but I'm also carrying my future grandchildren.

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Full Term

The baby is full term (37 weeks) as of yesterday. She could decide to make her arrival any day now. I told her to feel free to come out now... mommy is ready. It's getting harder to function with this huge belly.

I have started dilating. The doctor felt the baby's head through the cervix and bag of waters yesterday. Fascinating that the baby is right there but may not come out for 3 more weeks.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


New year's resolutions... why bother setting yourself up for failure? I constantly try to enhance my life through the pursuit of whatever makes me happy; therefore, I resolve to make no resolutions for 2005.