Monday, November 27, 2006

The Santa Claus Conspiracy

Warning... Spoiler ahead! If you still believe in Santa, stop reading.

After much discussion on the topic, James and I have agreed not to perpetuate the Santa Claus myth with Tess. It was a hard decision for me, because I have fond memories of setting out cookies and milk for Santa, and reading the note that "he" left in the morning. It was always fun to wonder if I would wake up and catch him, and the anticipation of his arrival was always exciting. However, I remember when I found out that he wasn't real. I think I was around 5 when my cousin found all her gifts in my grandma's house and showed them to me. I questioned my mom, and she explained that indeed, Santa is not real, but there used to be a man (Saint Nick) who delivered presents to children, and Santa is based on that man. I felt really silly for believing in a man who supposedly lives at the North Pole with elves, came down our chimney every Christmas, and somehow made it around the world to every kid in one night... Hmmmmm.

I believe the magic of Christmas and the spirit of giving that Santa represents can still be celebrated and experienced even if a child knows the truth about Santa. Right now Tess doesn't have a clue about Santa or Christmas. She just knows that there is a tree in the house with many shiny things to grab. When she is old enough to understand, I will explain to her that long ago in Europe there was a man named Saint Nick, and he delivered presents to less fortunate children. He represents the spirit of giving, so mommy and daddy buy presents for you in his honor. And don't tell your friends because mommy doesn't want phone calls from angry parents!

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